We Automate Your Cyber Defenses

Across Every Attack Surface

We Automate Your Cyber Defenses

Across Every

Attack Surface

We Automate Your

Cyber Defenses

Across Every

Attack Surface

Lockwell’s Automated Security Center monitors, identifies and remediates cyber threats for you, giving you the digital peace of mind you need to focus on your business.

Blocked malicious site

Weak password detected

John Sutton onboarded

Duplicate password fixed

Automated by


Automatically identifies cyber threats, alerts and coordinates with affected employees, and reports you the outcome

Time &
Cost savings

Constantly monitors for any unused software, devices, or users to save you and your business time and money, and even automatically onboards or offboards employees

Little to
No Oversight

Little to
No Oversight

The Automated Security Center operates independently, integrating with all of our security tools and working with your team to resolve issues

Staff Required

Receive the protection
a dedicated IT team would provide for a fraction
of the cost or education required

Device Security

Device Security

Our Anti-Malware protects your company’s devices from ransomware, viruses, or other malware by identifying and immediately neutralizing potential threats. Regular data backups ensure your devices are protected against corruption and data loss

Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Be the first to know if your company or any of it’s sensitive data is compromised. With constant scanning of the darkweb, emails, and malicious websites, we provide your organization with near real time assessments of harmful vulnerabilities

Account Security

Account Security

Lockwell’s Team Password Manager defends your business accounts from any unauthorized access by securely storing login credentials and guiding your team into developing best data hygiene practices, including multi-factor authentication

Network Security

Network Security

Internet connections must be kept safe from prying eyes. Lockwell’s VPN encrypts website traffic on all devices and provides secure remote access to sensitive company data and systems. Easily onboard and offboard employees and devices to ensure your network is secure

The 4 Pillars of Small Business Cybersecurity

The 4 Pillars of Small Business Cybersecurity

Any effective cybersecurity solution addresses the 4 Pillars of Cybersecurity to provide a comprehensive defense that keeps your business secure from all angles.

Simple, affordable, effective cybersecurity purpose-built for the small business.

Ready to get started?


© 2024 Lockwell Inc. All rights reserved.

Simple, affordable, effective cybersecurity purpose-built for the small business.

Ready to get started?


© 2024 Lockwell Inc. All rights reserved.

All For The Price of One

All For The Price of One

Implementing an effective cybersecurity solution is both complicated and expensive. But at Lockwell, we believe digital safety is a right, not a luxury, and our comprehensive solution, combined with our Automated Security Center, delivers the best protection available at a price you can afford

Simple, affordable, effective cybersecurity purpose-built for the small business.

Ready to get started?


© 2024 Lockwell Inc. All rights reserved.

Simple, affordable, effective cybersecurity purpose-built for the small business.

Ready to get started?


© 2024 Lockwell Inc. All rights reserved.

Simple, affordable, effective cybersecurity purpose-built for the small business.

Ready to get started?


© 2024 Lockwell Inc. All rights reserved.